Opening Statement by Xavier Couture
by Xavier Couture , published on 6.07.2009
Public and consumer uses are changing. Naturally navigating from one media to another, audiences follow their favorite contents on any kind of screen: cinema, TV (linear or catch up), mobiles, web, videogames… In certain media, these audiences that are immersed in the 2.0 culture also develop an active participation mode, take ownership of the stories, navigate between screens, increasing the audience numbers and becoming more and more involved as actors in their own stories.
Orange would like to assist this evolution and boost the development of programs that are intentionally transmedia oriented to answer this demand. In a way, it’s the ultimate union between content and network !
The first initiative is the creation of this blog: Transmedia Lab. Open to all professionals, this blog will be a way of initiating and consolidating thoughts, announcing events, being at the crossroads of different initiatives.