The Wilderness Countdown transmedia experience: run to it!

by Nicolas Bry, published on 4.09.2010

If you enjoyed HBO’s Cube, then you’ll love The Wilderness Countdown. By associating recent technologies (Chrome+HTML5), inserting personalization into the film (you choose the location of the action) and with the contribution of a plunging Google Earth view, we get a nice fragmented experience, a real transmedia storytelling experience in a few minutes.


Of course, here, there’s only one media: the web. Transmedia is usually a question of parallel points of view…but I’ll let you discover it on your own.

Careful, you’ll have to navigate this website with Chrome, close the other navigators and not multitask, or else you’ll miss the opening thread of…oops, I’ve said too much already.

Enjoy the experience!

To see others Chrome experiences go to Chrome Experiments.

author Nicolas Bry

Nicolas Bry a fondé le Transmedia Lab en 2009 chez Orange Vallée.